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Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Mar 31, 2016

Wanton Marble Playing on College Campuses, Figuring God Out?, The Netflix Countdown, The Work Is Done, Songs of Advice, Lemon Chiffon Cake Day, Ricky Gervais & Christianity, The Wrong EPA, Octagon of Knowledge, No Formula to God, Knowing God, Life Hacks for Cars;
"It's just wanton marble playing all over the...

Mar 30, 2016

VHS Arrest, Every Other Word Friends, Mr. Hotwing the Goldfish, Pakistan Tragedy and the Persecuted Church, Team Tori, What Not to Say on Your Resume, Movies: Zootopia, Superman vs. Batman, April Fool's Day, Contentment/Relationship, Your Brain and God, Music and Your Emotions, NASA and Grocery...

Mar 29, 2016

Brant and Sherri do a long form podcast. Topics include: God's Sense of Humor, Brant and a Reality TV Show, Listening to Listener Complaints and Answering the Question: "Is the Show Scripted?";
"It should have been mirthful in Eden. What made it not mirthful was pride."
"Let's not take the Subway Sandwich...

Mar 28, 2016

Brant and Sherri do a long form podcast. Topics include: Should Brant and Sherri Do Talk Radio?, Jesus as a Master Marketer, Why Is There a Prom?, Samson and the Fallacy of Christian Heroes
"You should breathe grace in every day and be instantly amazed."
"Jesus wasn't giving us a ticket to leadership...

Mar 25, 2016

Prayer at a Drive-Thru, The Lord's Short Prayer, Bad Baby Names, Peter and Jesus, Don't Uncover, Sports & Miming, Bloody Good Friday, Fattest City, Baby Goat Videos, The Honesty Cafe, Home Buying Tips from the Onion, What Good Friday Paid For, Grace: Singing vs. Anger; 
"Peter betrayed Jesus and Jesus said...