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Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Mar 30, 2015

Jesus and Women, The B. Islands Giveaway, Fear of Birds, Anger, What Your Car Does, Nicknames, Street Busking, Stories of Grace, Mourning One Direction
"They wouldn't have put Jesus to death if He was just a boring guy go around being nice to people"
"I wouldn't say mocked. I'd say explored with a lighter...

Mar 27, 2015

Phone to Microscope, Feeling Like a Failure, Can't Move On, Nicknames, $180 Million Fight, Bracket of Awesomeness, Feeling Far From God, Survival School, Welcome to the Show, Unoffendable Acknowledgments, Mary Demuth Interview
"You can turn your phone into a microscope"
"Your feelings don't trump...

Mar 26, 2015

Brilliant Traffic Move, Starbuck's #WWI, Survival School Correction, Having Asperger's, Sing to God, Cooking Shows, Nicknames, Brackets of Awesomeness, Stories of Grace, 3D Printer Threat, Days of Appreciation
"When you act on behalf of somebody who's making you angry, you increase your 
love for that...

Mar 25, 2015

Quickerson's, Kids and Character, Sword Fight of Knowledge, Don't Be Scandalized, Brackets of Awesomeness, Reading the Bible, Forgiveness, The Robot Emcee, Hotel Prices
"Your job as a parent is building character in your children"
"My shirt is blousy but masculine"
"Refuse to be scandalized by...

Mar 24, 2015

Love Them, The Shaggy DA, Brackets of Awesomeness, Saeed Abedini, Viking Show Extras, Survival School, The Great Beard, No Moral Scoreboard, When You Get Older, Dreamworks Boycott, God and Our Character
"I still love them even if they don't love me"
"Why is this shaggy dog allowed to hold public...